Regular dental examinations are essential for maintaining a healthy smile and preventing potential issues before they become serious.
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Our friendly and experienced team takes the time to understand your individual needs, offering tailored advice to keep your teeth and gums in the best condition. With state-of-the-art equipment and a commitment to your comfort, we make every visit a positive experience. Prioritise your oral health with a comprehensive dental examination today!
Most people come to see the dentist between 6-12 months. When you come to our practice, if it is the first time you come, you will meet one of the dentists that work with us. If there is something specific that you are needing then we might put you with the dentist that has that as their interest. Both Moi and Catriona work at the Devonshire because they are great at what they do, but are kind and thoughtful and can make your experience the best they can for you. If you have been before then you will see the same dentist as far as we can as care can often be much better when you have a longer term relationship with the clinician. At each appointment, we check the health of your mouth and gums. We assess the risk factors that might apply to you and that might cause problems in time and each time we see you, we do a cancer check.
You will come and meet reception downstairs until you are called for your appointment. When you go up, Moi or Catriona will double check all your details and medical history each time you come to make sure nothing is missed and then address any problems you have. If things are ever complicated we have information sheets on nearly everything so you can look at things later as often people think of things after an appointment. You can always call us when we are open to ask any questions or speak to Kathryn for any more detailed information about anything. If she is not in the building, they will get her to call you back as soon as she can.
Other Treatments
Root Canal Filling FAQs
How does it save the tooth?
When a nerve is damaged inside a tooth, the body fights against it. By cleaning all of the root out and sealing with a bioacceptable material, the inflammation around the tooth reduces and the pain stops. The area should heal around the root filling and then we can make sure that the tooth is restored. This is usually with a crown, but we place a filling over the root to make sure it is sealed straight away.
How much does it cost?
Root fillings cost between £200-£600 depending on the tooth. If available on the NHS, it is a band 2 charge which is £73.50. The crown would take the cost to a band 3 which is £319.10. You can choose to place an aesthetic crown over the top which would cost around £550.
Does it hurt?
No treatment should hurt at the dentist. We can give you enough anaesthestic so. you do not feel any. In the rare occasions when there is a lot of infection or inflammation, we may need to treat that first before we can continue with the root filling. You can take pain killers before you come to see us and we will advise you to take them after to keep the pain away.
What do we do with the tooth after?
We usually need to restore the tooth. Now the root is fixed, we need to protect the tooth above. We usually fill over the root filling and then crown it to try and reduce the chances of fractures which can happen after a root filling.
How long does it last?
Root fillings last approximately 8-10 years. The lifespan usually depends on what restoration is placed on top of it and how much infection was there before hand. The dentist will be able to advise you as to this and sometimes we refer you to an endodontist which is a specialty dentist as the success might be better.