Emergency Dental Appointments Sheffield

If you need an emergency appointment, we can help. 

Enquire about Emergency Dental Appointments

Simply fill out the contact form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Your journey to a healthier, brighter smile starts here!

We try to see patients on the same day and we can assess and treat the pain in that time. 

If a filling or treatment is needed, we will try to book you in as quickly as we can. The dentist will run through with you what is needed and if there are any options and give you the prices for everything.

We have NHS emergency appointments for our existing patients and for private patients. We don’t have emergency appointments for patients who want NHS but are not already with us. If you need this service then call 111 as they will be able to help you.

1 Convent Walk, Sheffield. S3 7RX

Tel: 0114 276 0483